Friday, May 28, 2021

Wonder project

Hello bloggers around the world! Today we had a session with Colm. lt was week 4. Today we did Aerodynamics. This was a very fun week. Today Colm told us on how to make paper planes with a video. one person from each class got to fly a paper plane. My friend Mayank from are class got to fly the paper planes. The thing is that l don't know how to make a paper plane, and it was Mayank's turn to fly his paper plane. The cool thing was he throwed the paper plane to the person in front of me and the person in front of me just missed the catch and l just grabbed the paper plane before my friends got the paper plane. l was so happy that l got the paper plane because l don't know how to actually make a paper plane so, now l don't need to make a paper plane since i already earned myself a paper plane. Colm said if you made a paper plane then you are allowed to go and throw your paper plane around the hall and see if it goes far or if it doesn't go far. when i throwed my paper plane it went across the whole hall. lt went to the other side! l was really excited that my paper plane went to the other side of the hall.


  1. Hi Mekhi i like your work you have done on friday you must have be working so hard for the rocket

  2. Exciting! Can't wait to hear all about your rocket.
